Exam break :(
Hey guys. So, as I'm sure you have realized, though I have been trying to keep up with posts, it has been getting harder and harder as I get later into the school year - which is the busiest time. And so, I have decided to take a break from blogging - but don't worry, just till exams are over. I love blogging so, so much, but I just don't have time this next month and a half. I really need to focus and do well in these exams, and I decided that in the little spare time I have, reading is probably best, as it helps improve my vocabulary and knowledge for my english exam. I hope you all understand. I will be back as soon as my exams are done, and I have lots planned for the summer that I'd really like to do as well :) Hopefully the break will leave me feeling even more inspired and ready to rock this summer!! To all of you guys reading this, I'm really sorry, and also know that I love you all lots, thank you so much for reading my blog! I will be back and ...