School Supplies Haul/School Essentials!

HEYY!! So in light of school starting super soon, I thought I'd do a school supplies haul. Who else is pumped for school? CAUSE I AM!! I always am at this part of the summer haha. I'm ready to get back into it, and start seeing everyone more often. SO without further ado, LET'S GET ON WITH THIS POST!!!!

ALRIGHTY! So the first item on my list is obviously...binders. That is an essential for every class. I have used the same binders for a few years now, and they're just the clear plastic cover ones, all different colours. I have blue, black, pink, orange, red, purple and white ones. And what's really exciting to me is that I HAVE MATCHING NOTEBOOKS!!!! (Well...for most of them.) THEY ARE THE SAME COLOUR!!! For example:

Blue notebook=blue binder. IT'S GREAT. 

OKAAAY FOR THE NEXT ITEM. Highliters  and pens. I just got a fresh supply since mine are running out. 

I use these so often, so it's great to have even more. I like to colour code, and it makes my notes look a whole lot cooler!! I would totally recommend these ones. They don't smear when you highlight, which is AMAZING.

NEXT ITEM!!!! Erasers. This is VERY IMPORTANT (at least for me) since if I make a mistake, I hate scratching it out. I just need to make notes with no mistakes. It looks neater that way. So I go overboard and have three in my pencil case. 

Okay that was kind of a basic item...but still pretty essential. Now...chargers. I got this really cute charger bag/purse thing last year, and it really does help. I constantly used it when we went to Italy. It's small enough to fit in my purse...and I can just hold it if I don't want to carry purse as well. And during the school year I just leave it in my backpack. Here's a pic-

It's SO helpful, and we got it on sale, which was great. I think we got it at Marshalls. I would ABSOLULTELY recommend it. (If you want I can link it-comment down below and ask and I will give you the link. I just don't have it right now.) The only thing is you have to charge it-and it's only good for like one full charge of one phone. But as long as you don't mind that it's great!!

Okay well we also got lined paper when we went out shopping-like a whole 200 pages of it lol. But it's upstairs and I don't feel like going to get it's pretty self explanatory😂😂 

SO THATS BASICALLY IT FOR THIS POST!! I'm sorry I didn't post this yesterday. We had an impromptu visit from some good friends. That lasted like the whole evening and it was super fun.

 I mean I guess I could talk about my summer for a bit. So it was super fun. We are going up to a lodge this week-I am SO pumped for that, you have no idea. I've been going since I was like 4-so a really really long time. I love it up there. We canoe, we hike, we swim-that sort of thing. Kind of like camping...except we stay in cabins and get fed!!! Sweet. 

And for the rest of my summer I basically hung out with friends, went to a couple cottages-we went paddle boarding and tubing, and played monopoly (WHICH I WON BY THE WAY IT WAS GREAT. CAUSE I NEVER WIN!!), and watched the Olympics!! Who else was watching? SO cool. Except like it kind of makes you feel bad cause you're sitting there watching all these super fit people do super fit things and you're just like *slowly takes another chip* BRUH. 

BUT ANYWAYSSSS. When is everyone going back to school? I'm so pumped for it. I'm ready to get back into the swing of things and start seeing people regularly again. I've always liked school-I love being social everyday, seeing my friends, making new friends, and I REALLY love all my classes this year cause I GOT TO CHOOSE EM ALL AND I'M SO PUMPED DUDE!! CAN YOU TELL???? 

*no not at all, dude. It's not like you're yelling or anything...*


Anyways. What are your thoughts on school? Comment down below!!! And if you would like to see anymore posts like this one (hauls/ramblings) let me know!! Cause this was actually super fun for me to do. 

Other than that...SEE YA!! Have a lovely day!! Till next time!!



  1. Stationery is the only thing that makes me excited about the new school year hahaha and TV shows! Great post! | Acqua xx

    1. TRUE. I love stationery, it's so much fun to pick out and use haha. Especially if it's colourful!


  2. I've won monopoly at least twice, ayy, I love stationary, it's so fun I pick colours! And I love your blog! It's so cute so thankyou for putting it in the comment because I found a real gem here xoxo

    1. Haha really? Nice job. Can you transfer some of that skill over here? Haha.

      And IKR I LOVE STATIONERY IT IS AMAZING. It makes notes a whole lot better haha.

      And omg thank you so much!! That means a lot :) I love your blog as well (I mean that would be why I commented :P).


    2. Haha! Go for the stations and make it so you own most of the board. Oh you were joking? Whoops! Haha! And stationary is amazinggggg, I especially love colourful ones, ya know, helps with revision and all that! And thankyou so much that means loads, and to be honest I'm actually having a bit of a writers block! Do you have any ideas as to what I could write about? Xoxo

    3. I wasn't actually kidding lol :P So thank you!!!!

      And I know right!! I love making things look colourful haha.

      And no problem, only speaking the truth. :) And SAME ACTUALLY!!! I'm not really sure what my next post will be (and it was supposed to be up yesterday oops). Do you maybe want to do a collab with me? Or guest posts?

    4. Definitely! I'd love to! And I actually meant what post should I do next haha! But please post soon! So yes, about this collab... Xoxo

  3. Love this post! I get so exciting to go school supply shopping, even in college!

    1. Thanks!! And hahaha yup it's great. Just having new, fresh things I get to use excites me haha.


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