Hello, and welcome to my blog! As a writer, I know that finding inspiration for my stories can be a bit tricky at times. When you need ideas, they never seem to come! In fact, it's a bit like automatic flushing toilets. I don't know how it is for everybody else (maybe it's just me!) but the toilets always seem to flush when you DON'T want them to, and at the most inopportune moments. But then, when you need them to flush, they never seem to work! It's a bit like finding inspiration because when you don't need to find it, it just comes to you! But then, when you have writer's block and you NEED that inspiration, it just disappears like it was never there in the first place. This is why I decided to create this blog: Get Up And Out. It's all about trying new things, and perhaps finding some inspiration along the way. Did you know that trying new things challenges your brain, and helps to prevent Alzheimer's? Plus, it can be super fun as well. I'll ...