
Hello, and welcome to my blog! As a writer, I know that finding inspiration for my stories can be a bit tricky at times. When you need ideas, they never seem to come! In fact, it's a bit like automatic flushing toilets. I don't know how it is for everybody else (maybe it's just me!) but the toilets always seem to flush when you DON'T want them to, and at the most inopportune moments. But then, when you need them to flush, they never seem to work! It's a bit like finding inspiration because when you don't need to find it, it just comes to you! But then, when you have writer's block and you NEED that inspiration, it just disappears like it was never there in the first place. This is why I decided to create this blog: Get Up And Out. It's all about trying new things, and perhaps finding some inspiration along the way. Did you know that trying new things challenges your brain, and helps to prevent Alzheimer's? Plus, it can be super fun as well. I'll be trying at least one new thing every week, and then writing about my experience. They'll be in different categories each week, such as lifestyle, food, or activities. Though I'll be completely honest about how I felt about it, I'll also try to make you guys laugh a little while reading it. After all, laughing and being happy plays a key role in being a healthy person. I'll be posting my write-ups once a week. This way I'll be "Getting Up And Out" of my house (or sometimes not!) in order to challenge my brain and improve my life, while having fun at the same time. I encourage you to do the same! You can use my posts as guidelines, and inspiration for getting Up And Out too, whether it be by doing the same thing as I did that week, or making up your own new thing to try! Feel free to leave comments below with new things for me to try, what you're trying this week, or to share your experiences on what I did that week. Until next time!

~Iris :)


  1. Hello to anyone who happens to be reading this! I'm making a list of new things I'd like to try to put up on the blog. This list can be added to at any time...but if you have any ideas for anything you'd like to see me try, let me know! Thanks! ~Iris

  2. Good luck with your blog! :) It sounds like a really fun thing to do. How about listening to a music genre that's completely different to what you would usually listen to for a day? xx

    1. I thought I replied to your comment...it must have been deleted. That's a great idea, I'll definitely give it a try!


  3. This is such an interesting approach to a blog. I really enjoy the concept and I can't wait to read more! Maybe try a new type of food that you typically wouldn't eat or travel/do something out of your comfort zone! Really nice idea, good luck!

    xx aubsmeetsblog.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks! And those are great ideas, I'll definitely give them a try :)


  4. What a great idea! cant wait to read the first post!

    1. Thanks! The first post will be up Sunday, and from then on I will be posting every Sunday :)


  5. I love your reason for creating your blog - and I love your blog itself. Good luck blogging! xx

    Lou - louleecutie.blogspot.co.uk


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