Lifestyle Week - No Sugar!

For this week, I'm going to be doing a lifestyle challenge. Basically, I'm going to try and go a week without sugar. We'll see how this goes!

DAY 1:

I have a confession. I started the day off by forgetting that I wasn't going to have any sugar...and promptly put some brown sugar in my oatmeal. But to my defense, oatmeal isn't the same without brown sugar! And I did put walnuts in as well...which are very good for you. They made my breakfast a little healthier, right? As for the rest of the day, I refused a cookie, some delicious sugared strawberries, and my grandmother's rice pudding! That one was VERY hard. You gotta take pride in the small things, right?

DAY 2:

Again, I forgot about the no sugar...I had a jam and peanut butter bagel sandwich. About halfway through I realized jam had sugar in it! Darn. I haven't had any more sugar today though, so I'm glad about that. Hopefully tomorrow will be better with no sugar!

DAY 3:

Sugarless and proud! I managed to refuse a delicious looking muffin, and instead went for a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream...yum. Delicious, satisfied and happy.

DAY 4:

Another day, sugarless and proud! I refused cookies and muffins, even though they were right in front of me. That was tricky, but I'm glad I did!

DAY 5:

Sugarless and proud again! Wow, I'm on a roll. You know, it actually feels really good, having the willpower to refuse something as addicting as sugar. Yeah, sugar is addictive, actually. The more of it you have, the more you crave. Plus, there's plenty more tasty foods that aren't sugary! You just have to take the time to find them.

DAY 6:

Another day without sugar, and proud about it, too! Though refusing sugar can be hard, I'm just holding out hope that the rice pudding is still edible in two days.

DAY 7:

Sugarless and proud...again! Yeah, buddie! I even refused to put syrup on my waffles (don't worry, they were sugarless waffles!), which, as you may (or may not) know...just isn't the same. I wasn't sure how it would taste, but nevertheless, it was actually pretty good. I quite enjoyed it, I'll say. AND I'M DONE THE WEEK!!!!

Conclusion: I'm proud of this accomplishment, and definitely recommend giving it a try. Though it may be hard in the moment, it's a really good feeling when you realized that you had the willpower to refuse. Plus, it's healthy...which is good :) Do you have the willpower to refuse those tasty treats? Give it a try, and let me know what you think in the comments! Until next week!

~Iris :)


  1. Ahh well done on surviving without sugar! Not sure I could have done that hahah. I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award on my blog :) (no worries if you don't feel like doing it though) xx

  2. Thanks. I wasn't sure at the start...but I did manage! So that was good :) And really? I'll give it a go, thank you so much.


  3. Well done for trying a new eating style that probably isn't easy! :) My sister managed to cut out sugar for a good month or so before adding a little bit back into her healthy eating. I don't think I have the will power to do this. As much as I love lovely salads and fruit and vegetables I love sugary foods even more haha! :)
    Nice little blog you have!
    -Paige x

    1. Thanks. No, it really wasn't! And that's awesome! I'm sure you would, it's just a matter of reminding yourself that you only have a certain number of days least for me :) I do as well...which made me even prouder that I managed to not have any!

  4. Congrats! You did so well, bet you could of gone on for longer. I might actually give this a try sometime, get into a healthier habit now summer's here. Again well done xx

    I have just came across your blog and I love it! I'll be sure to follow. Would you mind checking out my blog sometime? That would be real sweet (like sugar!)

    Keep Smiling!
    InnerSmile xxx

    1. Thanks so much! Yeah, it's a really rewarding experience :D

      Thanks so much! I just checked out yours as well...I love it :) I will follow as well! And haha, yeah.


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