habit of the week - early wakeup


Good morning! Hope everyone is doing well. I am back with my fourth instalment of habit of the week! Honestly, these habits are so good to do and I enjoy doing this series so much. I have always loved self-improvement (I’ve bought so many self-improvement books over the years it’s not even funny lol) and so a series in which I do it is so much fun, and definitely helps to keep me accountable. I hope it has some value for you as well, whether that is through discovering new options for habits, or whether you actually try them along with me!! If you do, please let me know! That would be so cool.

Anyways, I’ll first discuss last week’s habit (morning reading) and then move on to this week’s habit (early wakeup)!

Last Week’s Habit: Morning Reading

I absolutely loved this habit. Reading in the morning is such a great way to start the day, especially given that one of my August goals is reading daily. I just finished the book All the Ever Afters (SO good, would definitely recommend), and I think I’ll go to Own the Day, Own Your Life by Aubrey Marcus next! Honestly though I usually just pick up whatever suits my fancy in that moment. I’ve been trying to read instead of going on social media as much in the morning, so just grabbing a book, no matter which one, has basically been the goal lol. Just the act of reading without a screen or anything is so nice, since I’ll probably be on a screen most of the rest of the day! 

End result: 13/10 would definitely recommend

This Week’s Habit: Early Wakeup

I’m kind of excited for this one, as I enjoy getting up before the rest of the world! The goal as of right now is to get up between 6:30am-7am, so I will aim for a bedtime of about 10:30pm. That’s the only way this is happening - I love getting up early but I still like to feel rested! So that’s about 8-8 and a half hours of sleep. 

It’s also cooler outside in the morning now which is nice - that will be the other way to get myself up! Sweater weather is nearly upon us and it is one of my favourite seasons for SURE. My plan is to grab a nice, warm sweater each morning, grab my book and headphones, and head downstairs to get breakfast. Then I can take it outside, listen to a podcast or something while I eat, and read once I’m finished! I’m getting excited just thinking about it to be honest.

That’s it for today’s post! Are you trying any new habits this week? Do you have any particular favourites? Let me know in the comments or on instagram!

I’ll post regular updates on the habit/life in general on instagram (@getupandoutblog) so make sure to check that out. I will post my review of this habit next Tuesday, and see you all this Sunday for another post! I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

Till next time! :)


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