habit of the week - morning reading.

Good afternoon all!! Hope you are doing well! I am back with another instalment of my habit of the week series. I’ll start off with a review of last week’s habit (get up and go) and then get into this week’s (morning reading)!!

The ‘get up and go’ habit actually worked really well. I quite enjoyed it to be honest - getting out of bed first thing, or at least within a few minutes, was a really good way to start the morning. Having breakfast and then getting into the day means I get into it so much earlier! It makes me feel so much more productive. Especially if (and I’ve been trying to do this more) I’ve planned out my day the night before!

 However...I still succumbed every now and then to the phone/social media black hole, and a couple days this week I was on for an hour or so before getting up :( SO. That brings me to this week’s habit.

Morning reading. I did this on Sunday I believe it was...and oh my goodness it was the most relaxing and enjoyable way to start the morning. Instead of reaching for my phone first thing, my habit is to reach for my book, set an alarm, and read from about 7:30am-8am. Then, get up, make my bed, and head down for breakfast. 

One of my goals this month is to read everyday, as I want to get back into it more, and this would really help with that! Especially if I can turn it into a habit. I am hoping to solidify my morning and evening routines this month (that’s another two goals) so hopefully this makes it in there! Probably all my habit of the week’s so far will make it in there if I have anything to say about it haha. Which I do. I hope...😅😂. 

But anyways! That is my habit for this week. I love reading so honestly this shouldn’t be a hard one. What are your August goals? What habits are you hoping to start? Let me know in the comments below, or over on insta (@getupandoutblog if you aren’t following already)! 

Have a wonderful day, and I shall see you Sunday for a new post! :)


  1. This is a good habit! I have been working from home so am on screens a lot but try to take a break every time I can

    1. Thanks!! It’s working out so far :)

      And yes for sure, while screens are definitely necessary it’s just as important to take breaks whenever possible, and give our eyes a break!!


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